This show is based on Sylvester Stallone’s legendary, several Oscar winning movie ROCKY which inspired millions in 1976. Stage Entertainment brings this legendary movie in co-operation with co-producer Sylvester Stallone as well as Vitali and Vladimir Klitschko back on stage, but this time as a musical. The audience will live through a live-experience full of values as courage, love, honesty and faith in oneself, embedded in world-famous hymns like "Eye of the Tiger" or "Gonna fly now".
Rocky is a symphony of strong men, lonesome women, big courage and true love. Shortly, it‘s the perfect musical! Adrian and Rocky are the main characters. With Rocky Tickets you experience the emotional trip of these two persons and the discovery of their love. Rocky fights sincerely for himself and for something everybody has a right for: the right to be happy – a true fight of the heart!
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