Wonderful villages enchant with old farmhouses, impressive estates and elegant churches. This region was settled by man very early, and grave-mounds and archeological findings date back to the Bronze Age.
Worth seeing are the ruin of Church Satow, luxuriously rebuilt parochial houses and estates in Rederank, Gerdshagen and Gnemern. Thanks to a road net with very good sign-posts you will be able to comfortably explore the region on bike or by hiking. You can even do a traditional „Kremserfahrt“.
Beekeeping in Rederank, cider growing in Satow and the agriculturing on estate Hohen Luckow provide an insight into customary and modern production of regional products. The association „Satower Land“ offers guided hiking tours through surroundings and a sightseeing tour to constructional specific features.
More information (in German): http://www.satower-land.de/html/main/i_home.php
Photo: olbor/Shutterstock