Founded 1877 at the beginning of the industrial age, Darmstadt University of Technology‘s excellent achievements in research and study contribute to finding solutions to questions regarding our future.
Technology is main focus at all studies at Darmstadt University of Technology, a member of the association TU9. Hence interdisciplinary cooperation with natural and social sciences, arts and engineering is important. Students are at beginning of their studies urged to combine excellent research with practical relevance.
Darmstadt University of Technology entertains numerous partnerships with companies and research facilities in order to develop further competences. Thus the university is playing a major role for economical and technological developments in the metropolis region of Frankfurt-Rhine-Neckar.
Graduates of the University of Technology are favored employees, because they have a great potential thanks to their creativity, innovative mind, unusual way of looking at things and international experiences.
The Facts:
- 110 courses, 13 departments
- 25,100 students, 4,450 of them being foreign students
- 293 professors
- 2,310 scientific employees
- Excellence cluster „centre of Smart interfaces“, 2 excellence postgraduate schools
- 5 special research fields
Further information:
Photo: GaudiLab/Shutterstock