The Jade Bay, a big bay at the North Sea, is the home of Wilhelmshaven. Germany’s biggest ocean sluice is found here, in Wilhelmshaven’s harbour. Pre-harbour, North Harbour, Equipment Harbour, Arsenal Harbour, Connection Harbour, Big Harbour, Commercial Harbour, Coal Harbour and Canal Harbour – there are many harbours to see.
A great range of interesting exhibitions attract visitors in various museums as for example German Naval Museum, opened in 1998 on south beach. The collection exhibits subjects regarding the history of the German Navy from 1848 onwards. The museum is accommodated in the building of a former "slice court workshop", Scheibenhofwerkstatt, the remaining part of the torpedo court of the imperial shipyard built around 1888 and being today listed under the act of preservation of monuments and historic buildings. Attached is a 3,000 square metre open area with berths at the Connection Harbour. On exhibition are the mine hunting boat Weilheim, the guided missile destroyer Mölder and a submarine of class 205 U-10.
The tidel flats in the National Park of Lower Saxony are listed as UNESCO’s world nature heritage and attract many visitors too. In the visitors’ centre you can learn about the protective aims of the national park concerning birds, mud-flats, salt meadows, fishing, dangers and storm. The building has a panoramic terrace worth being visited. It offers a fantastic view of Wilhelmshaven‘s harbour areas and Jade Bay.
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