The big capital town of Rottweil is Baden-Wurttemberg’s oldest town and located between the Swabian Alb and Black Forest, 90 kilometers to the south of Stuttgart. Due to its location the town can be easily reached by car or railway.
In Germany, Rottweil is well known for the dog breed Rottweiler. Until the 19th century the town was commercial center for cattles. Herds were held outside of the town and needed to be guarded by clever, quiet and untiring dogs. Rottweilers were the right breed for this job! Thus they were mainly bred by butchers during these days.
2000 years of history
Rottweil’s history goes long way back until 2000 B.C. Romans lived here since 73 A.D. and founded the settlement of Municipium Arae Flaviae. Unfortunately, during the 3rd century this Roman town was destroyed. Due to its favorable location, king's court "Rotuvilla" developed at the same place, which is mentioned for the first time in records in 771 A.D. The Carolingians gained the king’s court great importance as administrative centre and place of court.
Rottweil as we know it today, developed in the late Middle Ages. It is one of the so called Zähring towns (as is Villingen), which are among other characteristics, divided into four parts by a street cross. Still today there are numerous churches and admirable old town houses with unusual oriel windows and beautifully forged signs.
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