Dresden is leading the cities in the former communist east of Germany with the highest growing rates. In Dresden you will encounter a colourful mix of students, businessmen, blue collar workers, clerks and also tourists from all over the world. The all meet in one of the best loved shopping streets of Germany – the Prager Straße. You will find lots of wonderful shopping opportunities in its stores and markets. People who like to find everything in one place might like to visit the four-storey Centrum Galerie with its 52,000 square metres.
Attractive places to visit are also the „old market“ Altmarkt with the Altmarkt Galerie right next door. The shops in the vicinity of the Altmarkt offer many extraordinary goods not easily to be found elsewhere.
At the „new market“ Neumarkt reconstructet historic buildings, new cafés, quite a few hotels and many individual shops attract customers who look for high quality and refined taste.
People who prefere to wine & dine instead of shopping should go to the „baroque quarter“ Barockviertel, which offers the best food, artworks from different eras, art galeries and related shops. More than 75 shops of this kind cater to customers.
Photo: kikovic/Shutterstock